Lider współpracy zewnętrznej szkoły zawodowej

Projekt korzysta z dofinansowania ze środków Unii Europejskiej



LEADext - Leader of external cooperation of a vocational school 

LEADext is an international project co-funded by the European Union.

Main objective:

  • Increasing the competencies of the VET education staff in the field of cooperation with the industry, including acquiring sponsors of school laboratories

Intermediate objectives:

  • Improving the image of VET by selecting the leader of cooperation with the industry in a vocational school
  • Improving competencies of trainees’ digital through e-learning platform and promoting the digital development of school staff
  • Enabling course participants to remotely confirm acquired competences (validation and certification).

Main results:

  1. Profile of professional competence within the scope of “coordination of cooperation between an educational institution and external companies, including acquisition of sponsors”
  2. Modular training program within the scope of a new competence in relation to the ECVET requirements
  3. Set of educational packages for a trainer and a trainee within the scope of a new
  4. E-learning training within the scope of a new competence
  5. Test bank to diagnose the trainee’s level of competence and individualisation of learning process
  6. Procedures for validation and environmental certification of a new competence

All results will be produced in 5 languages: Polish, Greek, Danish, Spanish, English.


Consortium of the project:


02.2022 – 01.2025



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Intellectual output 1

Intellectual output 2

Modular training program in the new competence “Coordination of cooperation between the educational institution and external companies, including acquiring of sponsors” in relation to ECVET requirements.

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Copyright (c) 2017 by Izba Przemysłowo-Handlowa Ziemi Radomskiej